If you have ever experienced forms being stuck on your device, we have a perfect solution for you.
In the rare circumstance where you have a form stuck in Formotus, there is a “back door” to getting data off of the mobile device.
Here are the steps:
1. Download iExplorer (for PC or Mac) on https://www.macroplant.com/iexplorer/download-ie3-pc
2. Walk through the Wizard and continue in demo mode if you do not have a product registration key
3. If your device uses encryption, turn it off
4. Back up the iOS device onto iTunes
5. After your iOS device is backed up in iTunes use your newly downloaded program, iExplorer to look through the applications on iTunes
6. Once you locate the Formotus application, navigate to the drafts folder
7. Within the drafts folder, IF you have a form in the outbox folder you will see the form title. From here you can recover the form template.
Next time you see a draft stuck in your outbox with no way to get it off, just refer to these 7 simple steps to remove the draft off of your iOS device.
Get more information about MacroPlant.com with this wonderful article: https://thesweetbits.com/best-iphone-transfer-manager-software/
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