GET screen/form/search Returns the Published version of matching Forms or all versions of a single specified Form.
GET screen/form Returns the Form Screen matching the given parameters.
GET datasource/search Finds all Data Sources matching the given parameters.
GET datasource Returns the Data Source matching the given parameters.
PUT datasource Updates an existing Data Source.
GET folder/search Finds all Folders matching the given parameters.
POST push Send a push notification to a specified user.
GET formentry/search Finds all Form Entries or all versions of a single specified Form.
GET formentry/file Download a media file captured on a given form Entry.
GET formentry Returns the Form Entry matching the given parameters.
DELETE formentry Deletes an existing Form Entry.
GET task/search Finds all Tasks matching the given parameters.
GET task Returns the Task matching the given parameters.
POST task/files Upload files for a given Task.
POST task Creates a new Task.
PUT task Updates an existing Task.
DELETE task Deletes an existing Task.
GET user/search Finds all Users matching the given parameters.
GET user Returns the User matching the given parameters.
POST task Creates a new User.
PUT task Updates an existing User.
DELETE task Deletes an existing User.
GET usergroup/search Finds all User Groups matching the given parameters.
GET usergroup Returns the User Group matching the given parameters.
POST usergroup Creates a new User Group.
PUT usergroup Updates an existing User Group.
DELETE task Deletes an existing User.
These are some of the most popular Zapier connectors.
"The system's flexibility, power and ability to integrate with so many other systems. I like the fact that existing processes and document templates don't need to be changed to fit the system - this platform can build a system that digitises the existing processes."
- Geoff Todd, Co-Founder & Consultant - United Kingdom
Use Cases