Carlsbad Caverns Update

Sam Calderon

Nested Repeats, Connectors, & More!

A cave with a blue light coming out of the ceiling.

Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico contains some of the largest caves in North America—a must-visit stop for vacations in New Mexico.

As you pass through the Chihuahuan Desert and Guadalupe Mountains of southeastern New Mexico and west Texas, filled with prickly pear, chollas, sotols, and agaves, you might never guess there are more than 300 known caves beneath the surface. The park contains 113 of these caves, formed when sulfuric acid dissolved the surrounding limestone. This includes Lechuguilla Cave, the nation's deepest and fourth longest limestone cave at 1,567 feet (478m).

And now for the updates, most are under the hood, but also includes some highly requested features. We're working hard to ensure our clients can create even better user experiences.

Nested Repeats - You can say that again!
The long awaited Nested Repeats will soon be a reality in Forms On Fire. This feature will let you add a Table field within a Table field or a Table field within a repeating page. 

You’ll be able to capture even more complex data sets and export them to SQL, SharePoint, and other flat file-based Connectors. Custom output can also be in .docx, .xlsx, and .PDF formats.

For example, a building inspector might use Nested Repeats to capture information about the rooms within a building and then items within those rooms that require inspection. After the form is submitted, the captured data can be sent via email using your custom output format.

Powerful New PostgreSQL Connector

A blue elephant with a white outline on a white background

We though it would be a nice compliment to the MS SQL Connector to add PostgreSQL Form and Data Source Connectors, enabling you to interact with a PostgreSQL database.

PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system. It supports a wide range of data types and has a reputation for being scalable and reliable. By adding this Connector, you can securely push and pull data from your PostgreSQL database.

MySQL Connector
While we’re at it, we're adding a MySQL Connector as well. MySQL is another open-source relational database management system known for being fast, reliable, and widely used. 

Integrating a MySQL Connector can enhance your app’s functionality and make it even more powerful and efficient, allowing you to push and pull information from your database. 

Email-less Login (For Clients Using Ping Identity)

Some clients want to roll out the app to users that don’t have an email address and need to use Ping Identity to log in and authenticate the app. This update will allow you to use Ping Identity without an email address, providing a more streamlined login experience for your users.

List Of Values In The App Launch Rules

The App Links feature allows you to create custom links that can be sent to your users via email or text or used within other software to launch a Form within the app. This update will enable you to send a pipe-separated list of values as a parameter via query string in the App Launch rules allowing you to pass even more information to the Form!

Maintenance & Bugs

  • Returned Scroll to a modified Table row.
  • Refined invalid formula responses in Formula Builder.
  • Added an ‘All’ option to date filtering defaults on the Task Templates page.
  • Validation on Files & Docs file size limit for uploads.

As always, please reach out if you have any questions, comments, or feedback.

Email us anytime:

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